The condensate drapan class="highlight">inpan> for pan class="highlight">mypan> system pan class="highlight">ispan> span class="highlight">topan>pped up. How do I fix thpan class="highlight">ispan>?

pan style="font-size: medium;">A span class="highlight">topan>pped up condensate drapan class="highlight">inpan> can pan class="highlight">bepan> a very common problem; and the symppan class="highlight">topan>ms of a span class="highlight">topan>pped up drapan class="highlight">inpan> do not always appear as such. First lets go over some common symppan class="highlight">topan>ms of thpan class="highlight">ispan> pan class="highlight">ispan>sue.pan>

pan style="font-size: medium;"> pan>

pan style="font-size: medium;">Any of the above lpan class="highlight">ispan>ted symppan class="highlight">topan>ms can pan class="highlight">bepan> caused by a blocked drapan class="highlight">inpan> lpan class="highlight">inpan>e. Anytime pan class="highlight">waterpan> can't drapan class="highlight">inpan> from your pan class="highlight">topan>oltip" data-origpan class="highlight">inpan>al-title="The Air Handler is the piece of equipment installed in the inside of your home that blows air through your house. Sometimes installed in the garage, attic, or the interior of your home. It is composed of a coil and a fan and controlled by a thermostat. To check if the unit is running you should be able to hear it and feel air blowing through a vent in your house. ">air handler, the pan class="highlight">waterpan> has pan class="highlight">topan> go somewhere. Thpan class="highlight">ispan> often causes damage pan class="highlight">topan> your home or trips an pan class="highlight">inpan>stalled float switch which shuts down the equipment. Let's assume that the problem has pan class="highlight">bepan>en identified as a blocked drapan class="highlight">inpan> lpan class="highlight">inpan>e, and go over some effective ways pan class="highlight">topan> fix the problem.pan>

pan style="font-size: medium;"> pan>

pan style="font-size: medium;">Try either of these methods pan class="highlight">topan> clear the drapan class="highlight">inpan>. pan>

pan style="font-size: medium;">Also see the FAQ about Tripped Float Switches for more useful pan class="highlight">inpan>fo.pan>

Last update:
2016-06-12 18:11
Jacob Creamer
Average rating: 5 (1 Vote)

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